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The following Terms and Phrases should be considered as having the associated meanings when used in the context of this site. Note that you can retrieve any of these definitions anywhere on the site where you see a small gray question mark next to the TermTerm by clicking on it.

The procedures and hearings associated with a Committee reviewing a Misconduct Report to determine if the Card will be upheld or not. Adjudication also includes the determination of any penalties, suspensions, etc.
A User charged with the overall responsibility for the general operation of the NSO site and management of Site usage.
A repository for photos and other graphical images that are associated with an event or activity involving Chapter personnel
One or more Locations containing Fields that are geographically linked in some way
A User that has been formally licensed or otherwise approved by the Board to perform Referee Assessments.
An action performed by an Assignor to assign a complete Referee Crew to a Match
As a noun, it identifies the relationship between a specific Match Position and a Referee. As a verb, it refers to the steps and actions necessary to create the relationship between a specific Match Position and a Referee.
A User that has the responsibility to coordinate and facilitate the assignment of Referees to Matches
A database table containing a single entry for each significant action that takes place on the site. Also used as a verb to indicate that a particular action will be recorded for future review and diagnosis
Identifies the Organization that sanctions a particular Match to be held. This might be a State Association, a local League, etc., but is ultimately the administrative body that organizes and tracks the competitions between the teams under it's guidance.
A program operating in a Visitor's system somewhere on the Internet that has asked for a Page from a Server.
Describes a collection of Referees that work as a group to provide coverage to Matches in a specific geographic area. A single Chapter commonly provides Referees to Matches sanctioned by one or more Authorities. NSO is a Chapter.
An organization or similar group requesting NSO provide officiating services to one or more Matches
An organized activity intended to provide information to Attendees about a specific Topic or related set of Topics
An individual that participates in a Match in a non-Player capacity that is responsible for the Team's tactical operation during the Match
One or more Referees assigned to officiate a scheduled Match
A specific combination of values associated with data elements that permits you to select a subset of entries that meet your needs.
An online, searchable list of the Site Users or participants that make up the NSO constituents
A specific group of teams within a League and Level that has a specific playing schedule during a specific period of time (e.g. season or tournament). A Division is typically based on a Team's competitive skill level (as in Division 1, 2, 3, etc.)
The set of pages, discussions, and information that describes the elements that make up an Interactive Site and it's operations
Feedback to a Referee from an observer of an Assignment
Feedback to a Referee from a qualified Mentor about an Assignment
A physical area at a Location where a scheduled Match will occur between two Teams.
A general discussion area for a free exchange of ideas, thoughts, and comments.
A reference to the sex of the participants in a Match (e.g. Male, M, Female, F, Coed, B, Boys, G, Girls, etc.). The Gender is for a Match is set according to the charter for the Organization scheduling the Match.

This can also be a reference to the Gender of a single User (when used in the context of the User's Profile)

Interactive Site
Is a phrase used to describe the combination of concepts, functions, and pages that are collected together and placed on an Internet Web Server with the specific intention of meeting a single RidgeStar Client's requirements for administering their operations in real-time.
The combination of machines, wires, and protocols cooperatively combined and servicing standardized protocols to share information and facilities among multiple systems and people
A suggestion, question, or problem report associated with a RidgeStar supported Client Site
A collection of Matches between Teams assigned to particular competitive Levels, Divisions, and rules by a single Organization.
An administrative-based grouping of Teams within a League. The grouping could be age (for youth as in U15, U16), competitive level (as in Open, Over30), etc.
The geographic location of an IP Address based upon GeoLite data available from MaxMind
A geographic place with a street address that contains one or more Fields, meeting or conference Rooms, or another geographic area of interest.
a Site based mechanism designed to permit information requests to travel back and forth between Users of NSO It is NOT intended to be a replacement for the traditional Internet Email protocol or mechanism. It is a supplemental site function intended to serve the Users of www.nwsoccerofficials.org and facilitate improved communications.
An individual that participates in a Match in a non-Player capacity that is responsible for the Team's Administrative operation (normally related to off field activities)
A scheduled competition between two Teams authorized by an Organization and officiated by a Referee
Match Report
The act of reporting completion of an Assignment by a Referee. The Match Report is the basis for collecting the results of a Match and is the basis for payment processing.
Every individual that participates within the NSO in any capacity is identified as a Member. ALL Members are expected to be aware of and comply with applicable NSO Policies and Procedures
Identifies the Assignment process that will be used for a specific Position on a specific Match. The Method value can be:
The position will NOT be filled
The Position is not eligible for SelfAssign and will be manually filled by an Assignor
The Position is available via the SelfAssign process to any Referee that passes the SelfAssign Rules
An action, during a match, for which a Referee has shown a yellow or red card. Also applies if a coach has been formally warned or dismissed
Misconduct Project
Identifies the overall concepts, operational Site, related pages and functions, and supporting efforts associated with http://www.RidgeStar.com/misconduct/ and operated by RidgeStar as a service to it's clients and the general soccer community at large.
Misconduct Report
The information provided by a Referee that describes Misconduct behavior that occurred during a Match that the Referee was officiating. This includes Cautions (Yellow Card) and/or SendOffs (Red Card).
The acronym used to identify the Northwest Soccer Officials
Northwest Soccer Officials
The name (identity) of the organization or business responsible for the operations of www.nwsoccerofficials.org
A short informational type message to a User about an activity that has occurred on the Site
A Feature or function that delivers Messages to the Web Browser via Browser Notification
A User that has been selected to serve on the NSO Board of Directors and represent the Chapter membership.
An operational setting, value, or indication about how the NSO Site should operate. Normally, an Option is defined via the Options table in the database and can contain one or more settings related to:
The saved search argument values for an individual User
The compensation associated with completing an Assignment
The default settings for AssignmentMethod for new Matches
The default value for Match Rank for new Matches
Operational settings for the SelfAssign rules
Site wide variable values that can be modified by the Administrator
A group that is responsible for organizing Teams into Leagues and/or Divisions and scheduling Matches between them. Some Chapters identify an Organization as a Client, depending upon their business model.
Represents the resulting HTML from a PHP Script's execution AND all the accompanying elements (.GIF, .JPG, .CSS, etc. files).

Each Page from each the Site has a URL, and an identifying Name.

The individual of legal age that is responsible for representing the interests of a minor participant in the NSO Programs. Usually, this is the Father or Mother of the underage User, but may be any other legally appointed guardian associated with the underage Member.
A named Value associated with a series of Match related conditions (creates a correspondence between a data value with a grouping of Matches based upon key characteristics, like League, Level, Division, etc.). Used in SelfAssign and Turnback Rule processing and anywhere else requiring grouping on Match related characteristics.
Used to describe a grouping of Matches and/or Accounting entries into a logical set of elements that constitutes a billing/payment date range for Organizations/Referees
An individual that participates with a Team as an active participant in a sanctioned Match
A series of questions about a specific subject that a Visitor can respond to in order to provide feedback or comments on the subject
A reference to the general responsibilities a Referee accepts when receiving an Assignment. Typically, a Match might require some or all of the Positions (Ref, AR1, AR2, 4th, Mtr), which are completely dependent upon what the Organization has requested.
Establishes a Role relationship between a User and a maskable set of characteristics (as a User to an Organization, etc.)
A reference to the set of data elements and information associated with a single User of the NSO Site. This is where each User stores individualized information and indicates his/her preference for information publication in the Directory.
RidgeStar Facility Number, is the distinct numeric value that identifies a specific Facility at a specific Location across all RidgeStar client Sites. The RFN is unique, is never changed, and can be stored in a Client site to associate a Client Field or Room with a centerally defined RidgeStar Facility. See http://www.ridgestar.com/locations for more information.
A numeric value that establishes the expected complexity and/or difficulty level of a specific Match or a numeric value establishing the difficulty level a specific Referee has mastered.
Describes a User of the NSO Site that is licensed to officiate at a sanctioned Match. USSF, NISOA, NFHS, etc. are organizations that license Referees
Referee Management Site
Is a phrase used to describe the combination of concepts, functions, and pages that are collected together and placed on an Internet Web Server with the specific intention of meeting a single Chapter's requirements for administering Chapter operations.
The RidgeStar active demonstration site of an Interactive Site specifically designed to meet the requirements of a Referee Chapter involved with assigning Licensed Referees to available Match Assignments. It operates on the web at http://www.referees.biz
A design approach to permit a website to "respond to" or resize itself depending on the Visitor's screen size and orientation.
The pseudonym used for the company responsible for designing, implementing, and providing professional operations support for an Interactive Operations Site utilizing the Internet's Web services.

RidgeStar is an operational Division of North Ridge Software, Inc., a privately held Washington State corporation (serving it's customers since 1982).

RidgeStar Referees
The pseudonym we use on the www.nwsoccerofficials.org site to represent a Referee Chapter.
A list of Players that are assigned to participate with a specific Team.
A specific condition associated with SelfAssign, Turnback, etc. that must be true in order for the action requested to continue.

E.G. The Available Rule verifies that the Position being requested is not already assigned to another Referee.

A site User charged with the responsibilities of managing Fields, locations and their assignment to host Matches for a portion of NSO
A specific period during a playing year that divides a specific combination of League, Level, and Division into a smaller grouping. Examples of Seasons are Playoffs, Tournament, LPTs, Winter, Summer, Spring, Fall, etc.
A named portion of the Site that collects functions and pages related to a specific Role in a common portion of the site.
The actions a Referee takes to get the Site to determine if s/he is eligibled for a specific Assignment. If eligible, the Referee can cause the Site to complete the Assignment (essentially, permitting the Referee to assign himself/herself the Assignment).
Identifies a physical RidgeStar system operating a copy of the Apache HTTP Daemon that responds to Internet based requests for service.
Defined by PHP. Essentially, uniquely identifies a single Browser's interaction with a single PHP based Site.
An operational value that controls one or more aspects of the Site's operation. Stored in the Options table, Settings are normally managed by the Administrator
The specific combination of files containing script (PHP) and graphics (PNG, JPG, GIF) available through the HTTP protocol that are combined to meet NSO's requirements
The identified User that acts as the Webmaster for and as the primary Point of Contact with RidgeStar with respect to operations.
The unique combination of personal data elements that uniquely identifies a single User to the Site. This might be a automatically generated value, a user selected value, or simply a combination of the User's First, Middle, and Last names
Is a term used to describe the type of covering that is on the Field. Grass, Dirt and Sand should be obvious. Turf represents a smooth artificial surface, whereas RealTurf represents the artificial material that simulates grass (incuding the blades of grass) that has become more popular recently.
Used to describe the basic operating system environment of a Visitor, Browser, or Server.
A collection of Players that compete together in a League against other Teams
A word or series of words that represents a specific element, activity, role, action, etc. when used in the context of an Interactive Operations Site.
Text Format
You can control how the information you enter is displayed by using one or more of the following elements surrounded by brackets [ or ] within the text string you enter:
StringMeaning or Purpose
˜Treat this character as a Blank or Space
bMake the next word entered BOLD when displayed
brStart a new line in the display
iMake the next word entered italicized when displayed
ol=Format an Ordered List from the specified items (separated by semi-colons)
pCreate a new Paragraph beginning with the next word
subFormat the next word as a subscript
supFormat the next word as a superscript
ul=Format an Unordered List from the specified items (separated by semi-colons)
:nameWhere name is one of the defined RidgeStar Symbols
{color}where {color} can be: Black, Purple, Silver, Fuchsia, Navy, Gray, Green, Blue, White, Lime, Teal, Maroon, Olive, Aqua, Red, or Yellow
cla{field}.Displays current field value from the fixed Site variables
dus{field}.Displays current field value from the User Profile (e.g. dusFirstName, etc.)
See Reference: Tools-Text Format for more information.
A suggestion, question, or problem report associated with a RidgeStar supported Client Site
Typically used to indicate a specific Time of Day (local time zone). When used in a Criteria box, Morning means between midnight and 11:59am, Midday means 10:00am to 4:00pm, Afternoon means 12:00pm to 5:29pm, Evening is between 5:30pm to 11:59pm, EarlyEvening is between 5:30pm to 7:30pm, LateEvening means 7:30pm to 10:00pm
A specific period of Time on a specific Date at a specific Field (usable for a Practice, Match, etc.)
A stored description or explanation concerning a single subject of interest to Visitors of the NSO Site
The act of returning a current Referee Assignment to the pool of available Positions for other Referees to assign themselves to.
The acronym for Univeral IDentifier is a reference to a unique value that is associated with a single individual usable Cross Site to distinctly identify the individual. E.G. Used to coordinate the identification of individual Referees when processing the optional Site Inquiry function.
A term used to describe an individual person that is authorized to logon to NSO and interact with the system in one or more roles (as a Referee, Chapter Officer, Committee member, Authority representative, etc.).
A general term used to describe a single Internet user somewhere using a program (usually a Browser) to access a Site page on a RidgeStar server.
An individual that is willing to contribute time and energy to furthering the goals of NSO
The identified User that acts as the Webmaster for and as the primary Point of Contact with RidgeStar with respect to operations. Sometimes referenced as the SiteManager.
An abbreviation for Cross Reference, which is usually used to store a relationship between a User and other elements of the system
A reference to the collection of graphics, pages, and functions that are operational on the World Wide Web as the NSO's Site.